Thursday, March 26, 2009

Zombies are Gross

I really seem to be on the topic of zombies today. No idea why. Well, since we're on this topic anyway, here is the next installment of my sketches, Zombies Are Gross and Scary, But Good At Tennis.

I can not remember what inspired me to do this. It must have been a late night and lots of soda. I did spend a lot of time playing Dead Rising over the summer, so that may have affected my mind somehow. Who knows. I do remember trying various looks for the zombie before settling on the one in the picture. I really like what I wound up with. Its a good zombie for being a black and white stick figure.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. The people are afraid of the zombie, grossed out by it, and in awe of its tennis prowess. Except for the guy on the right. He's just bummed because he got whupped by a zombie. I mean, if you lost 40-Love to a dead guy, wouldn't you be upset? That's got to be a tough pill to swallow.

Just noticed that you can see some of the eraser marks on it. Well, I'm no fancy artist. These were all done with a simple mechanical pencil. And most of them late at night, where sleep deprivation and a day of sugar and caffeine take their toll on the mind.

So then, hope you enjoy this one. We'll have to see if this "theme" thing works out. I think I could run with it.

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