I've been playing CyberNations for almost two years now, and I'm finally getting around to writing something about it. So here goes.
CyberNations is a persistent browser based game that lets you rule your own nation. It has many similarities to NationStates, and many CN players started off in NS.
However, while NationStates lets you rule through a series of events and decisions, CyberNations lets you control and collect taxes, pay bills, build a military, engage in war, trade, and a whole bunch of other stuff (I know NS2 lets you do some of this, but its not anywhere near like CN).
Furthermore, CyberNations has a great community. On the official CN forum, you can chat with each other, role play, announce great events in your nation, and play games. There are also more than 100 different alliances to join, most of which have there own off-site forum, or you can start your own. Alliances are a great place to meet new people and new friends. Finding an alliance is beneficial to you in order to grow, be secure, and have fun.
The game is all text-based, and doesn't require much time to play. You can spend quite a bit of time on it if you get involved, though, and that can make the game really fun.
One of the key elements of the game is that it is quite simple. It doesn't have too bad of a learning curve, especially if you find a good alliance. It is not the most in depth nation simulator out there, but the simplicity does make it more accessable to the typical gamer.
All in all, CN is definitely a game to try out if you are interested in geo-political sims, ruling your own nation, or just looking for something different.
-Master Waldo
PS- The best part is, IT'S FREE!!! There are some bonuses you can get for donating money, but no part of game pay requires any subscription or money. Besides in game cash of course
The Athanasian Creed - Introduction
9 years ago
Just a shameless plug for the alliance I'm a part of. If you are a Christian of any denomination, be sure to check out the Christian Coalition of Countries for a great alliance. We are one of the older, and certainly one of the stabler, alliances in the game, and offer an atmosphere like no other. With great start-up bonuses, trade circles, tech deal, and just all around helpful members, the CCC is the place to be. On our forums, you will also find deep religious discussion, and a place to grow in your faith and meet other Christians. We are the largest (and possibly only) Christ-based alliance in the game, and are deeply respected by the CNverse in general. Help spread the Word to Planet Bob at the CCC!
p.s.- Planet Bob is the in-character name for the CyberNations world. http://cybernations.wikia.com/