Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Muffin Man Digital and Colored

Meh, it's not bad. Not sure if I'll do this for many others, maybe just ones I really like. Click the title for the full size version.

Muffin Man: Colored Version

Muffin Man

This is a rare one for two reasons. First, it was a suggestion from a friend. Not this picture exactly, but the idea in general. It was also the only one I conferred with others with before it was finished. I usually work completely independent.

Second, this one (possibly) have a colored version going up soon. Normally I either doodle it on the computer, or sketch it out and leave it in black and white. This one I scanned in and am going to try adding some color to it. If it turns out fine, I may do it with other ones as well.

I might be putting up a different version of this at some time. It doesn't feel quite finished. But I wanted to get it up tonight.

Yes, it is a muffin cooking up a batch of people. And it is a little girl muffin and a baby muffin in the corner. And the little man is trying to climb out of the muffin tray. I really don't have a clue on this one.

This is (IMHO) one of my better sketches. I really like how it turned out, though it took a while to figure out the best way to put it on the paper. This was also drawn on regular printer paper, not the sketch paper I usually use. If I make an updated version, I'll be sure to upload it.

Now then, on to the digital version.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Zombie Butter!

I promise not to revert back to a zombie themed day. Ok, no promises, but I'll try not to. I remember doodling something like this in my English notes one slow day. I'm pretty sure there is a flash game where you are toast and are fighting off butter, but I'm not 100% sure.

So here it is: Zombie Butter vs. Toast Man
There's not really a whole lot to say about this one. Its an armed piece of toast fighting of a stick of zombified butter. Frankly, that's all there is to it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I <3 Companion Cube

Found some cool stuff for Portal, thought I'd share some of it.

From FanFiction.net, by encoder,
Once upon a level dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Once upon a level dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious puzzle of forgotten lore,
While I starved, nearly collapsing, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my level door.
'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, tapping at my level door -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Coster 3
From Limerick DB:

There once was a buggy AI
Who decided her subject should die.
When the plot was uncovered,
The subjected discovered
That sadly the cake was a lie.

Real Life Portal Gun

This one has got to be the coolest thing of them all. Not only did he create a real looking portal gun, he built it at his girlfriend's request. That's right. He has a girlfriend who enjoys video games to the point where she cosplays, and wanted to dress up as Chel from Portal. Lucky dude.

Well, that's my geekiness for today. Or maybe not. Never can tell with me.

It's a massacre!

Ok, a quick break from my sketches here to bring you a picture my brother set up. It's really not that original of a picture (though I don't think it's been done with peanuts before); it's been done with eggs, if not other foods.

I wanted him to find the tiny top hat and cane he made so we could set it up as "Mr. Planter's Murder", but he couldn't find them. Oh well. Nonetheless, here is "Murder of a Legume".

Note: These were taken with my phone, which only has a 1.3 megapixel camera, at 640x480. Not the greatest quality, but my dad's digital camera was dead, so we didn't have other options.

Friday, March 27, 2009


The next piece on the tour was slightly influenced by Don Hertzfeldt's Billy's Balloon (Don is the guy that wrote Rejected, if you're familiar at all with that.
My piece is a random drawing of several different characters that are just kinda standing there doing nothing. Doing more nothing than usual, since they're technically always doing nothing, as they are nothing more than 2D drawings on a piece of paper.

Anyway, here is Balloon.

Yea, I really don't know either. Just a bunch of random doodles, exploring some different looks at stuff, testing things out. Gotta love the scared little penguin down at the bottom. Little eyebrows flying up. Pretty sweet.

That's all for this one.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Done with the Zombie thing

Ok, one more post and I done with the zombie theme. It just sort of took off didn't it?
Here are some zombie jokes from barhah.com. Most of them aren't really that funny, or are just rehashes of old jokes, but I figured this little zombie run wouldn't be complete with out them.

  • Two zombies and a human go into a bar. The first zombie says to the other zombie, "Graaaghaa haarann margahhaa naaarrrrrrgnn!"
    The other zombie says "Hrraaaaa Maggaa GRAMMA GRAMMA bargh nrrrrhr!"
    And then they eat the human.

  • Why did the zombie go to hospital?
    He wanted to learn, a few sick jokes.

  • How do you know a zombie is tired?
    He's dead on his feet.

  • What do little zombies play?
    Corpses and Robbers.

  • What did the zombie get a medal for?

  • What's a zombie say when he gets a letter from his girlfriend?
    It's a dead-letter day.

  • Where do zombies go for cruises?
    The Deaditerranean Sea.

  • What did the zombie's friend say when he introduced him to his girlfriend?
    Good grief! Where did you dig her up from?

  • What do you call a zombie in a belfry?
    A dead ringer.

  • What did the zombie eat after its teeth were pulled out?
    The dentist.

  • What does a zombie eat for dinner?
    Graghetti and Meatballs

  • What does a zombie like to wear?
    A Braincoat

  • What's a zombie's favourite film?
    Singin' in the Brain
    Eternal Sunshine of the Headshotless Mind
    Some Like It Headshot

That's all. There were a few more, but they really weren't that funny.

And this (hopefully) concludes the Zombie theme for today. Until next time, blarrgh argha blaga, Brains! Muuhhhhhh balaaghahara!

Y'know what, lets just run with the theme of the day.

Favorite Zombie movie: Shaun of the Dead- "A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living" (imdb.com) Hilarious movie, part parody of the genre, part actual horror film, part romantic comedy. Main characters are the same guys in Hot Fuzz, if you like that movie.

Favorite Zombie book: World War Z by Max Brooks- Same guy who wrote Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z is an oral history of the Zombie outbreak of the near future. It is written as a series of interviews starting with witnesses of some of the first cases of "African Rabies", up to the aftermath of the war for survival. Really, really great book.

Favorite Zombie game: Dead Rising. This is actually one of the only ones I've played. That's right, I have not played Resident Evil. I'm sorry. When RE5 gets cheap, I'll probably get it and likely enjoy it. But for now, its Dead Rising. Or the PBBG DeadAwaken (in my "Favorite Online Games", check it out). Looking forward to Dead Rising 2.

Zombie book I'm looking forward to reading : Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. Came out earlier this month. I haven't read P&P, but I really want to read this. And I definitely think that, if it's any good, plenty of other classics could do with zombies in them (Tale of Two Cities, Grapes of Wrath, and 1984, just from the ones I've read in Lit classes). Not that these classics aren't good books as they are, just that everything is better with zombies involved.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I think the zombie theme may be over for today, but you never know.

Forgot Favorite Zombie Song. "Re:Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton, of course. How many zombie songs are there?

Zombies are Gross

I really seem to be on the topic of zombies today. No idea why. Well, since we're on this topic anyway, here is the next installment of my sketches, Zombies Are Gross and Scary, But Good At Tennis.

I can not remember what inspired me to do this. It must have been a late night and lots of soda. I did spend a lot of time playing Dead Rising over the summer, so that may have affected my mind somehow. Who knows. I do remember trying various looks for the zombie before settling on the one in the picture. I really like what I wound up with. Its a good zombie for being a black and white stick figure.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. The people are afraid of the zombie, grossed out by it, and in awe of its tennis prowess. Except for the guy on the right. He's just bummed because he got whupped by a zombie. I mean, if you lost 40-Love to a dead guy, wouldn't you be upset? That's got to be a tough pill to swallow.

Just noticed that you can see some of the eraser marks on it. Well, I'm no fancy artist. These were all done with a simple mechanical pencil. And most of them late at night, where sleep deprivation and a day of sugar and caffeine take their toll on the mind.

So then, hope you enjoy this one. We'll have to see if this "theme" thing works out. I think I could run with it.

More Zombies!

On the topic of Zombies, I'd like to make a big "woot, woot" for one of my favorite musicians, Jonathan Coulton. He writes awesome songs (some favorites: "RE: Your Brains", "Code Monkey", "Furry Lobster", and "Chirion Beta Prime") that are all written under the Creative Commons License. I don't know the full details of the license, but it means they are DRM-free, and many of them are free to download. You can check him out at http://www.jonathancoulton.com/ . Definitely recommended.

For those of you who play the game Portal (one of the sweetest games ever IMO), Jonathan wrote the credits song "Still Alive", and played guitar for the game's sequence of it.

Re: Your Brains in LA 10-9-2006


1) Board up my house. Only one entrance is at ground level, and its in the garage and a heavy door, so it would be difficult for zombies to get in.
2) Find everything that can be used as a weapon.
3)Get to the roof (possible through the attic) and paint a "Help" message in orange paint (have some left from painting my room)
4) Get portable radio and listen for help.
5) Leave with help once it arrives.


1) Run outside and become a zombie. Woo! Brains!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I can feel my heart clogging already.

Found this on geekologie.com, from the product site.

1 Can of Yoder’s Canned Bacon

1 Can of Yoder’s Canned Bacon Fully Cooked, Ready to Eat, 1 Can, 40 to 50 slices per can

MREdepot.com Exclusive!!

For the first time in almost 20 years, canned bacon is back in this Country. Not available in any store!

More than 2 years went into the development of this bacon, and we’re proud to be able to bring this back to you after improving on a what was a very successful brand of canned bacon made years ago by Celebrity Foods (registered Trademark, all rights reserved).
Finally! Thought I'd never be able to keep bacon endlessly.
Come to think of of it, this would be better than buying a mini-fridge to keep bacon in my dorm next year. Hmm...

A pet I'd like.

Definitely a penguin. It would make life awesome because people would look at it and say "That guy has a penguin. He must be one cool frood".

The Awesome Penguin

Alrighty then. Now we start the series of sketches I did last summer when bored. These are going to be in no particular order, just however I feel like posting them. If you see something you like, please comment with your adoring praise. And conversely, if you hate it,  please tell me so that I can send a box of rotten fruit your way. 

So then, here we are: The Awesome Penguin.
This one is pretty straight forward. The penguin is awesome, and he knows it. Now of course, all penguins are awesome, but this one is particularlly cocky. Don't ask how he drives that car. It is part of his epic coolness.

That is all there is about the penguin. So now, onto the next exhibit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Angry Robot

Ok, this was what I originally created the blog for, so I'm try doing it this time.
When I get bored, I sketch, doodle, and draw. On my notes, homework, Paint, GIMP, notebooks, whatever. A while ago, I uploaded a bunch of my favorites onto Flickr. You can see there here if you wanted too. But that would be cheating. So don't do it.

My plan is to put one up here every day or so, and put a little description of it so you, the willing and lovely reader, can see just how out of my mind get a feel for my artistic abilities.

So with out further ado, I present my first lovely image, doodled while waiting for Xbuntu to install on my laptop, Angry Robot.

This is a robot who is quite angry. He has dropped his burger, and the puffin flying overhead is pooping on it. Pretty simple. The explosion of color behind him represents the fact that all the white space back there looked boring.

So there you have it. The unveiling of my first (which is actually the last created) masterpiece.

Stand behind the velvet ropes. No flash photography. Please do not touch. Thank you for coming. See you soon.


Rule Your Own Nation!

I've been playing CyberNations for almost two years now, and I'm finally getting around to writing something about it. So here goes.

CyberNations is a persistent browser based game that lets you rule your own nation. It has many similarities to NationStates, and many CN players started off in NS.
However, while NationStates lets you rule through a series of events and decisions, CyberNations lets you control and collect taxes, pay bills, build a military, engage in war, trade, and a whole bunch of other stuff (I know NS2 lets you do some of this, but its not anywhere near like CN).

Furthermore, CyberNations has a great community. On the official CN forum, you can chat with each other, role play, announce great events in your nation, and play games. There are also more than 100 different alliances to join, most of which have there own off-site forum, or you can start your own. Alliances are a great place to meet new people and new friends. Finding an alliance is beneficial to you in order to grow, be secure, and have fun.

The game is all text-based, and doesn't require much time to play. You can spend quite a bit of time on it if you get involved, though, and that can make the game really fun.

One of the key elements of the game is that it is quite simple. It doesn't have too bad of a learning curve, especially if you find a good alliance. It is not the most in depth nation simulator out there, but the simplicity does make it more accessable to the typical gamer.

All in all, CN is definitely a game to try out if you are interested in geo-political sims, ruling your own nation, or just looking for something different.

-Master Waldo

PS- The best part is, IT'S FREE!!! There are some bonuses you can get for donating money, but no part of game pay requires any subscription or money. Besides in game cash of course

MMO Game

Found this game the other day. Its called Greek Age. Looks similar to Human Age, which is pretty fun. I'm new, so not really sure what all you can do, but it looks worth checking out.

If you click here, it lets you register and adds me as a sponsor, which is good apparently.

Click here to view without registering.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Stuff and Other Stuff Blog

Welcome to Stuff...and Other Stuff. This is my first foray into the world of blogging, so we'll just go along with it and see what happens. In the immediate future I plan on putting up pictures I've drawn and random thoughts. Later on maybe some programs will go up, as I'll be a Computer Science major starting this fall. We'll just have to wait and see.

If you like the page, please subscribe via RSS or the Followers tab. Thanks. 

Master Waldo