Thursday, May 28, 2009

Untitled- A Post With No Title

Just feel the need to post, but didn't have anything specific to talk about. So I'll just kind of ramble on.
Been playing a lot of Hearts of Iron 2 lately. If you aren't familiar with it, its a WWII grand strategy game, where you are in charge of a nation (most of the nations of WWII are playable, and there's tons that can be spawned. For example, as the UK you can release and create India, Pakistan, create the "Eastern African Union" from a bunch of African territories, Scotland can be created if your people revolt, all sorts of things). Anyway, you're in charge of the nation's production, research, and to a slight degree, politics (and intelligence services in the Doomsday expansion). It's really fun, if you're into those type of games. If you don't like strategy games, this is not for you.

I've also become a really huge fan of the TV show Firefly, and am angry at FOX for canceling it. I mean, they didn't even let them finish the season! Oh well, I'm a few years too late to really complain. I've seen about 1/2 the season, been watching it on Hulu, and really want to get the series on DVD. I've also rented the movie Serenity, though I've been told it's not quite as good as the series. We'll see I guess.

I also just bought Railroad Tycoon 3. I played 2 all the time when I was younger, then it mysteriously went missing when we remodeled our house. I played the demo for 3 a while ago, and even though it's sort of a little kids game (not little little kids, but it really is more for pre 12-year olds) it's still great fun.

Well then, I'm going to finish this post and go have a brownie. Later.


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